Life insurance myths that cost you millions

by David Lewis

I’ve been thinking a lot about life insurance.

Mainly because I’ve been redoing a lot of videos, and audio, in preparation for the new Monegenix® Media app. But, also because I’ve been seeing more and more myths about life insurance floating around the web.

Here are a few of them:

  1. You should never mix insurance and investing.
  2. Permanent life insurance is too expensive.
  3. You don’t need a middle-man for your investments, and that’s what an insurer is.
  4. Term insurance is cheap.
  5. You don’t need a lot of life insurance.
  6. You can never buy too much life insurance.
  7. Whole life has a terrible rate of return.
  8. The only ones recommending permanent insurance are the ones making a commission off it or who have a vested interest in sales.
  9. Term + investing always results in more money.
  10. Complexity favors the seller, and whole life is too complicated.
  11. Even when it works out OK, it takes too long to see positive returns.
  12. Most people lapse their permanent insurance policies.
  13. You should only expect the guaranteed minimum in your insurance policy.
  14. You don’t need insurance when you’re old.

And the list goes on and on.

Anyway, these myths are pervasive and…

…if you believe them, then so be it.

I’m not going to force you to buy whole life insurance.

But, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Now, if you’re serious about understanding whole life insurance, and how it can help you build real financial security, then join my email list and start the journey.

Ready to kick things up a notch?


Get uncensored information and advice about what life insurance can do for you and your family, without the hype and B.S. + free access to The Monegenix App when you sign up to read David's Daily Emails.

About David

David Lewis is a licensed life insurance agent, and has worked in the life insurance industry since 2004. During that time, he has worked with some of the oldest and most respected mutual life insurance companies in the U.S. To learn more about him and his business, go here.