David Lewis, founder of Monegenix®

Call: 919-886-4618

(Mon-Fri; 10AM-3:30PM EST)

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What To Expect During Our First Meeting

During our meeting, we'll discuss (among other things) your:

  • Financial goals and current financial plan (i.e. what you're doing right now, where you want to be, what's working, what's not);
  • Long-term financial plans, how much risk you can afford to take as well as how you feel about risk;
  • Your Human Life Value and how much life insurance coverage you qualify for;
  • Your budget (time budget, financial resources, etc.);
  • Whether life insurance or annuities are suitable given your financial goals and resources;

There is no pressure or obligation to buy anything. The initial meeting is a discovery meeting onlyYou will not be applying for life insurance or annuities during this meeting.

If that makes sense to you, go ahead and schedule a meeting with me now.


Call: 919-886-4618

(Mon-Fri; 10AM-3:30PM EST)

Or book a meeting with me using my online scheduler

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Use my online scheduler to book your meeting with me right now.

*All personal financial and health information you provide during our meeting is protected and stored in an encrypted virtual vault. Email transmissions containing personal financial and health information are sent using end-to-end encryption and are stored in an encrypted format at rest. All encryption meets or exceeds regulatory requirements for encrypting sensitive financial and health information.


There is only one financial product in existence that offers the perfect trifecta of:

  1. Guaranteed savings
  2. Guaranteed death benefit
  3. Guaranteed secured line of credit

And that product is... participating whole life insurance.

Problem is... most policyholders are the victims of ho-hum life insurance sales "techniques" that are overly hyped, short on substance, and flat-out fail over the long run. Both policyholders and life insurance agents today tend to be hyper-focused on rate of return and other factors totally outside the control of the policyholder, while simultaneously ignoring or minimizing factors that policyholders have direct control over.

The Perfect Policy™ emphasizes flexibility and control over speculation, and this is why it works when other policy designs and financial strategies fail.

The Secret To Building More Cash Value In Your Whole Life Policy

Want more cash value in your whole life policy? Buy a bigger death benefit and fund it heavily with premium dollars

That's it. 

That's the "secret".

Sadly, few policyholders understand this, and thus they fail to discover the true long-term value of whole life insurance, always looking for a way to reduce or eliminate premium payments so they can invest in something more exciting and speculative, and hopefully earn a higher rate of return. Or, they buy term life insurance with no eye toward a future policy conversion, eventually letting the policy lapse, never receiving a refund of their premium dollars, and ultimately waste decades of their life paying premiums they'll never see again. This money could have been put to good use for them and their family, but instead it's lost forever.

Enter, The Perfect Policy™

Ordinary Whole Life vs "High Cash Value" Whole Life vs The Perfect Policy™

Here's an example of a basic whole life policy from a major mutual life insurance company:

A traditional whole life policy, paid up at age 121

This is an "off the shelf" whole life policy, typical of what many life insurance agents sell. This particular policy is payable to age 120.

The above illustration shows a $1 million whole life policy, with fixed premiums of $12,400 for a 35 yr old male, non-smoker with a standard rating. This typical whole life policy is characterized by a lack of premium flexibility (i.e. rigid, guaranteed level premiums), lackluster death benefit growth, and slow cash value accumulation.

Next is a "high cash value" policy design, which is very popular today.

The 90/10 split, custom whole life insurance illustration.

This is a "high cash value" policy similar to the "infinite banking" type policies being sold today. High level premiums are paid for the first 7 years, then premiums must be reduced to avoid MEC status.

"High cash value" whole life policy designs tend to sacrifice long-term premium flexibility and cash value growth for short-term cash value accumulation and illustrated "internal rate of return" (IRR). Early year cash value accumulation looks excellent. In fact, there are scenarios where the initial cash value accumulation will beat The Perfect Policy™. However, over the long-term, cash value accumulation must be sacrificed as the policy would MEC due to the high early year premiums.

In contrast to the above, The Perfect Policy™ emphasizes long-term cash value accumulation, death benefit growth, maximum premium flexibility, and control within the context of insuring an individual for his full Human Life Value (HLV).

It is also "planning agnostic", meaning you don't have to buy into a larger financial planning system, become part of an organized movement, adopt a different ideology, or join a cult to benefit from this type of life insurance planning. In fact, sacrificing your own financial goals to serve some "higher purpose" or external authority will eventually kill your life insurance plan.

To avoid that sort of nasty outcome, The Perfect Policy™ integrates seamlessly into your existing financial plan, does not require you to change other aspects of your financial plan that are working for you, and does not require you to sell or cash in your other valuable assets to fund a new life insurance policy. It does not sacrifice short-term gain for long-term policy performance. Likewise, it does not sacrifice long-term performance for short-term gain. It is also the widest-scope application of life insurance planning possible. An individual may use one policy, or a combination of policies, to achieve the desired effect. 

Below is an example of how The Perfect Policy™ can potentially work for you.

  • The Perfect Policy #1

  • The Perfect Policy #2

The Perfect Policy™ — $30,000/yr Scheduled Premium

This policy shows premiums of $30,000 going into the policy each year. The minimum premium the policyholder can pay is $7,780 per year and the maximum is $43,549. Premiums can be scheduled for between 5 years and to the insured's age 100. Additionally, premiums can be temporarily stopped after 5 years or permanently stopped after the first 7 years. Premiums can also be temporarily stopped and restarted.

Click on the image below to see the full-size.

The Perfect Policy™ sample illustration with $30,000 annual premium.

The Perfect Policy™ design emphasizes premium flexibility and maximum cash value and death benefit accumulation, within the context of an individual's full human life value. Policy performance is exceptional, though a secondary benefit. Both guaranteed and non-guaranteed cash value and death benefit accumulation are well above average for a whole life policy. Interestingly, the rate of return on The Perfect Policy™ is comparable to a more traditional high cash value whole life policy over the long-term. However, total lifetime net cash value and death benefit accumulation are much higher in The Perfect Policy™, even when the same premium is paid over long periods of time. This is a function of the PUA rider buying more death benefit and thus achieving a higher total net cash value accumulation. More death benefit = higher total lifetime net cash value.

The Perfect Policy™ vs Other Life Insurance Policy Designs

other policies

The Perfect Policy™ Design

Can only be used after you’re dead; no personal benefit while you’re alive

Generous living benefits that can be used while you’re alive; don’t have to die to use

Low early cash value or no cash value associated with the policy

High early cash value and easy access to money when needed

High guaranteed premiums that cannot be changed

Low guaranteed premiums with options to stop and restart payments

Cannot be paid-in-full; premiums may be required until death

Can be converted to a paid-in-full policy, with no further premiums due; conversion is simple and straightforward

Non-guaranteed policy values; driven by speculative assumptions

Guaranteed policy values; driven by guarantees and supplemented by stable non-guaranteed dividend payments

Level death benefit does not grow over time

Death benefit increases every year

Builds little or no personal credit

Builds large credit lines that will equal the sum total of all your future income

High lapse risk

Low lapse risk

Does not endow


A net liability

A net asset

Difficult for your insurance agent to manage; high risk of unfavorable outcome

Easy for your insurance agent to manage; low risk of unfavorable outcome

Cannot be used to finance major purchases; does not contribute to future savings

Can be used to finance many large purchases; adds a substantial amount of money to one’s future savings

Crediting rates on cash value can fall to zero

Crediting rates can never be zero

Expenses are variable and can be increased by insurance company 

Expenses are fixed and cannot be increased by insurance company

Death benefit can only be used after you die

Death benefit can be used before you die

Single purpose


Rigid policy design; to the extent changes are possible, it increases the risk of the policy to the policyholder

Flexible policy design; changes to policy have minimal to no negative consequences to policyholder

Scheduled premiums that are difficult or impossible to change

Scheduled premiums that are simple and easy to change

No unscheduled premiums or alterations to premium flow possible

Generous unscheduled premium provisions; policy changes to accommodate policyholder needs and wants

Fixed policy payment periods that cannot be changed later

Custom policy payment periods that can be changed later through special policy provisions

Cannot be converted to retirement income

Can easily be converted to a guaranteed lifetime income, adjusted for inflation, that you cannot outlive

Unknown future policy value and benefit

Known future policy value and benefit

Little or no personal benefit to you

Immense personal value to you and your family

How The Perfect Policy™ Can Be Used In Your Financial Plan

Protecting Heirs

Protect your loved ones by purchasing basic term life insurance protection that lasts for between 1 year and 30 years, guaranteed. Compensate your heirs for the loss of your income and protect your family's standard of living after you die. 

Alternatively, provide permanent, lifetime, protection through whole life insurance. Or, combine both term and whole life insurance.

Protecting Savings And Future Income

Protect your savings with a high cash value, custom whole life insurance policy. Then, build an income stream through non-guaranteed dividend payments or convert your policy's cash value to guaranteed income for life, or cash savings, or cash payments to pay for a permanent chronic, critical, or terminal illness.

Building and Maintaining Personal Credit

Build and maintain personal credit that you own and control, using life insurance. Enrich yourself and your family instead of enriching banks, credit card companies, or other lenders. Finance your own business or other investments. Take back control over your finances and make a long-term financial plan you can count on.

Funding An Estate Plan

Fund a simple, but dynamic, estate plan that protects your assets from the corrosive effects of taxation. Compensate your heirs for the loss of your income and protect your family's standard of living after you die. Create a multi-generational family dynasty and leave a legacy you can be proud of.


Read client case studies and learn how The Perfect Policy™ concept is working right now in real-world scenarios...

Be Your Own Lender:
Financing Major Purchases

Learn how Madeline took back control over her credit, became her own lender, and now finances major purchases and grows her savings at the same time, without making any personal sacrifices or taking unnecessary risks.

Creating A Stable Income:
Protecting Your Nest Egg

Learn how Tim protects his nest egg from the volatility of the stock market, and sets up a stable future income stream.

Money Multitasking:
Planning Without Sacrifice

Learn how Sandra and James are planning for their child's future education needs as well as their own retirement without making any personal sacrifices.

Protection From Financial Uncertainty
Financial Protection Against Unemployment and Financial Catastrophe

Learn how Jake used whole life insurance as a shield against the uncertainty of life. From unemployment to unexpected repairs, he was able to overcome it all without sacrificing his long-term financial goals.


Call: 919-886-4618

(Mon-Fri; 10AM-3:30PM EST)

Or book a meeting with me using my online scheduler

Online Scheduler

Use my online scheduler to book your meeting with me right now.